Prof. Daya Reddy

President International Science Council (ISC) . Department of Maths and Applied Maths , UCT, University of Cape Town,  South Africa.  (For the Inaugural Plenary Lecture)

Title: “Modelling, analysis and computation in mechanics”.
Problems in the mechanics of continuous media typically take the form mathematically of systems of partial differential equations, inequalities, or as variational problems. Studies of the well-posedness of such problems provide valuable insights into the range of validity of parameters describing material behaviour, and of the models themselves. The development of approximate solutions and accompanying numerical simulations are an essential component of investigations, given the intractability of all but the simplest cases. This
presentation will provide an overview of some problems in linear and nonlinear solid mechanics of recent and current interest. Key results will be presented on well-posedness, the development of algorithms for numerical approximations, and the determination of conditions for convergence of such approximations.

Prof. Gang Tian

President, Chineese Mathematical Society, School of Mathematical Sciences, (IMU Executive Committee member). University, Beijing, P.R.China, 100871. CHINA.
Title: "Geometric flows and applications"
Geometric flows provide a very important tool in the study of spaces with desired structures. One of the most famous examples is Perelman’s solution of the Poincaré conjecture by using the Ricci flow. In this expository lecture, I will start with a classical result on surfaces and explain more recent approach to prove it. Next I will outline ideas in solving the Poincaré conjecture and the Geometrization conjecture for 3-manifolds. We will then discuss some new applications of Ricci flow and new geometric flows.

Prof. Christophe Ritzenthaler

Next Executive Director of  CIMPA from September 1, 2020.
Title: "Rational points on curves over finite fields" 
"In 1985, Jean-Pierre Serre taught at Harvard University a series of lectures on rational points on curves over finite fields. He described this topic as a good benchmark to see if the developments of algebraic geometry during the last century can say something new in this simple arithmetic context.
We will give an overview of what has been achieved since then and some recent results obtained in joint work with Jonas Bergström, Everett Howe and Elisa Lorenzo García."

AMU-PACOM 2022 Medal Winners (A): Prof. Baklouti & Prof. Makinder

To be announced soon

AMU-PACOM 2022 Medal Winner (B): Prof. Mamadou Sangharé (UCAD Senégal)

Title: Hopficity and co-Hopficity in the category of modules: characterizations theorems
Let R be associative ring with unity 1 ̸= 0 A left unitary R-module M is said to be Hopfian (resp. co-Hopfian) if every surjective (resp.injective) R-endomorphism of M is an automorphism. R is called S-ring (resp. I- ring) if and only if every Hopfian (resp. co-Hopfian) left R-module is finitely generated. Recall that a ring R is called left (resp. right) duo ring if every left (resp.right) ideal of R is two-sided. R is called duo ring if it is both left and right duo ring. In this paper we investigate S-rings and I-rings and characterize S-duo rings and I-duo rings and I-duo rings. We observe that finite local S (resp I) – duo rings are exactly finite chain duo rings and study linear codes and geometry over those rings. We give several examples and open questions


Director, School of Mathematics, University of Nairobi,  KENYA. (Representing East Africa )
Title: The Landscape of Mathematical Sciences in the East African Region.
To be announced soon

Prof. Eugène OKASSA

Knight in the International Order of Academic Palms of CAMES,
Member of CRE (Regional Commission of AUF Experts),
Marien Ngouabi University, CONGO-BRAZZA (Brazzaville). ( Representing Central Africa)
Title: Generalized Lie-Rinehart Algebras and Applications in differential geometry
After recalling the notion of Lie-Rinehart algebra, we define the notion of generalized Lie-Rinehart algebra and the notion of symplectic generalized Lie-Rinehart algebra.
When M is a paracompact, connected manifold and when C∞(M) is the real algebra of smooth functions on M, we show that the C∞(M)-module of vector fields on M admits a structure of sympectic generalized Lie-Rinehart algebra if and only if M is a locally conformal symplectic manifold whereas the C∞(M)-module of differential operators of order ≤ 1 on C∞(M) admits a structure of sympectic generalized Lie-Rinehart algebra if and only if M is a contact manifold.

An African women Mathematician

To be announced 
To be announced soon

Prof. Abba Gumel

Foundation Professor of Mathematics, School of Mathematical and Statistical Science, Arizona State University
Title: "Mathematics of the Dynamics and Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic "
The novel coronavirus that emerged in December of 2019 (COVID-19), which started as an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown cause in the city of Wuhan, has become the most important public health and socio-economic challenge humans have faced since the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Within weeks of emergence, the highly transmissible and deadly COVID19 pandemic spread to every part of the world, so far accounting for over 100 million confirmed cases and 2.1 million deaths (as of the end of January 2021), in addition to incurring severe economic burden, social disruptions and other human stresses, globally. In this talk, I will discuss our work on the mathematical modeling and analysis of the spread and control of COVID-19, with emphasis on the assessment of the population-level impact of the three currently-available anti-COVID vaccines (namely, the Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines).  Specifically, we will explore conditions for the elimination of the pandemic using the vaccines (vis a vis achieving vaccine-derived herd immunity) and it combinations with other nonpharmaceutical interventions, such as face masks usage and social-distancing. 

Professor Gaston M. N'Guérékata

University Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Title: A promenade in the world of periodicity

In this talk, we will present from the point of vue of differential equations several concepts of periodicity and their generalizations motivated by some periodic phenomena. We will give an elementary proof of the celebrated Massera Theorem for periodic differential equations. We will prove also that under some appropriate conditions, a second-order semilinear elliptic almost periodic equation has no almost periodic solution (in the sense of Bohr), but many almost automorphic and almost periodic (in the sense of Besicovitch) solutions in the envelope of the equation. We apply the results to study an almost periodically forced pendulum.

Prof. Jinde Cao

Dean, School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China.
Director, Research Center for Complex Systems and Network Sciences, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China

Title: A Comprehensive Review of Continuous-/Discontinuous-Time Fractional-Order Multidimensional Neural Networks
The dynamical study of continuous-/discontinuous-time fractional-order neural networks (FONNs) has been thoroughly explored, and several publications have been made available. This study is designed to give an exhaustive review of the dynamical studies of multidimensional FONNs in continuous/discontinuous time, including Hopfield NNs (HNNs), Cohen-Grossberg NNs, and bidirectional associative memory NNs, and similar models are considered in real (R), complex (C), quaternion (Q), and octonion (O) fields. Since, in practice, delays are unavoidable, theoretical findings from multidimensional FONNs with various types of delays are thoroughly evaluated. Some required and adequate stability and synchronization requirements are also mentioned for fractional-order NNs without delays. 

Prof. Youssef Ouknine

Resident member, since 2006,
of the Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology, Rabat, Morocco.

Title: Doubly Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential Equations in the Predictable Setting
In this paper, we introduce a specific kind of doubly reflected backward stochastic differential equations (in short DRBSDEs), defined on probability spaces equipped with general filtration that is essentially non quasi-left continuous, where the barriers are assumed to be predictable processes. We call these equations predictable DRBSDEs. Under a general type of Mokobodzki’s condition, we show the existence of the solution (in consideration of the driver’s nature) through a Picard iteration method and a Banach fixed point theorem. By using an appropriate generalization of Itô’s formula due to Gal’chouk and Lenglart we provide a suitable a priori estimates which immediately implies the uniqueness of the solution.We extend this in the case of divided stopping times, called also quasi stopping times,  introduced by Bismut and Skalli . Based on a joint work with Siham Bouhadou and Ihsan Arharas

Prof. Diaraf Seck

University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Sénégal

Title: Shapes and Geometries
The aim in this talk is first, to give an overview of the subject. Secondly,
we focus on theoretical work done in recent years with real-life motivations. To illustrate this, we will discuss some issues related to coastal erosion, transport problems, quadrature surface or image morphology.

Keywords: shape, geometry, geometric measure, partial differential equations, optimal mass transport

Prof. Ali Baklouti

University of Sfax, Tunisia.

Let G be a connected and simply connected nilpotent Lie group of Lie al- gebra g, K an analytic subgroup of G, χ a unitary character of G and π an irreducible unitary representation of G. In this setting, the orbit method allows to identify the uni- tary dual of G to the space of coadjoint orbits. Using the enveloping algebra of the complexified Lie algebra of g, we consider two algebras of differential operators Dπ(G)K and Dτ (G/K) associated respectively to the restriction π|K of π to K and to the mono- mial representation τ = IndGK χ. Under the assumption that these representations are of finite multiplicities, the polynomial conjectures stating that Dπ(G)K and Dτ(G/K) are K-invariant polynomial rings hold.
In this lecture, I will overview some history of the conjectures and some restrictive cases. Once restricted to codimension one normal subgroups of G, the study of the geometry and the saturation of coadjoint orbits plays a crucial role in the general proof.

Prof. Verdiana Grace Masanja

Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Tanzania.

Title: Recent Research Trends in Nanofluid flow
Ultrahigh-performance cooling is an essential requirement in various industrial technologies. Creation of nanofluids is a recent development of nanotechnology aimed at producing more energy-efficient heat transfer fluids that are necessary for ultrahigh-performance cooling. The primary purpose of nano-fluids is to obtain the highest possible thermal features at the smallest possible concentration. Because of their unique, magnetic, mechanical, thermal, electrical, and optical features, nanofluids have gained applications in industrial and process systems and thereby have attracted great attention of researchers to investigate the extent of variations in the enhancement of heat transfer rates, address challenges and propose new advances. In this plenary lecture, discussed is a review of recent advances of mathematical methods used to investigate nanofluids performance in various heat transfer systems, heat transfer mechanisms in nanofluids, as well as the challenges and future direction of nanofluids regarding heat transfer enhancement.

Prof. Oluwole Daniel Makinde

Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X2, Saldanha 7395, South Africa.

Title: Mathematical Modelling of Engineering and Biological Systems – A Key to Nation Building and Technological Advancement
Mathematical modelling of engineering and biological systems play a crucial role in nation building and technological advancement. Modelling of engineering and biological systems have evolved to become an indispensable cost effective partner of experimental
work. It provides the analytical basis for innovation, design and control, new technologies, disease control, food security, biodiversity sustainability, new products development, improve medical care, improve services and equipment for the benefit and wellbeing of the
society at large. In this presentation, the tremendous potential of mathematical modelling in elucidating mechanisms and tackling seemingly complex engineering and biological problems are delineated. As illustration, the role of techno-mathematics (with respect to nanotechnology) in dealing with challenging problems of thermal management in engineering devices, as well as mathematical biology in dealing with epidemiological problems are
Keywords: Mathematical modelling; Nanofluid dynamics; Engineering cooling; Dynamical systems; Epidemiological problems