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Useful links:

General information on tourism :

Tourist office www.officedutourisme.gouv.cg
Ministry of Tourism www.ministere-tourisme.gouv.cg


Ledger Hotel www.ledger-maya-brazzaville.h-rez.com
Imongui Hotel  hotel-imongui-brazzaville.hotelmix.fr
Radisson Hotel http://www.radissonblu.com/hotel-brazzaville/
Grand Hotel de Kintelé cick-grandhotelkintele.com
Olympic Palace olympic-palace-hotel.net
PEFACO http://www.pefacohotelmayamaya.com/
LEON Hotel https://www.leon-hotel-brazzaville.com/
Hotel de la Coupole ghscongo.com
Hotel Saphir ​https://www.hotel-saphir-brazza.com/

A full list with more details (prices, stars, services) is available here Hotels in Brazzaville